MCCC Happenings Header

August 2024

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Upcoming Events



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President's Welcome

Kojo Quartey

Welcome back to another semester at MCCC! We hope and trust that you all had a good summer and gained new knowledge if you were in summer classes, earned some money if you were working, and took some time to relax.

This semester promises to be an exciting one with some new and innovative programs such as Paralegal, Digital Media and Marketing Communications, Health Sciences, Mechatronics and more, as well as new student clubs like the Intramural Sports Club. Our MCCC Makerspace in the Career Technology Center continues to be a place where you can exercise your creative talents, and our Safe Space in the S Building is a place where you can simply go to feel that sense of belonging. Also, the MCCC Food Pantry provides a variety of healthy food options and essential supplies to any student for free who identifies as food insecure. There is also a Heck Market Food Pantry grab-and-go in Founders Hall. We are making numerous opportunities available to you to lighten your burden, remove more barriers, give you that sense of belonging at MCCC, and to ensure your success.

We are elated to welcome you to MCCC for another eventful semester. 


Dr. Kojo A., Quartey

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Welcome from the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success 

Dear MCCC Huskies:

Welcome to the 2024 academic year at Monroe County Community College! We have one core goal: enriching and transforming lives through degree and certification attainment. Every year, your Enrollment and Management team strives to improve the student experience with this goal in mind.

This year, we begin with a host of new positions. If you are new to the college, you probably interacted with one of our new educational advocates. Educational advocates are professionals dedicated to particular fields of study who serve as first points of contact with the college. This summer, they worked with incoming students to help them navigate the enrollment process, conducted New Student Orientations sessions with all new students and helped them register for their first semester of classes. The college also created a new position in the Office of Admissions called an assistant director of multicultural and community engagement. This individual works with our student clubs and interacts with our community to ensure that all potential students have a proactive, friendly point of contact with MCCC.

Behind the scenes, the college has invested in personnel and technology to improve how we use data to improve the student experience.  This includes two new full-time coordinators in our Student Success Center. Within the SSC, MCCC has also invested in staffing more help in Disabilities Services, Mental Health Services and Testing.  We are ready to help ensure your success. If you need any help, don’t wait. Let us know right away.

I hope you enjoy this newsletter. Have a great semester. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive, and together we will be successful.

Welcome to a new and exciting semester at MCCC!


Dr. Scott Behrens
Vice President
Enrollment Management and Student Success

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Guiding You on the First Day of Classes

Ask me buttonOn the first day of classes Wednesday, August 21, our campus employees will be available throughout campus to help students find their way around. Just look for people with the “Ask Me” buttons!

Starting at 11:30 a.m., President Dr. Kojo Quartey will grill hot dogs for as long as they last, and there will be a cornhole contest on the mall in the middle of campus. Come join the fun as we kick off a great 2023-2024 academic year. 

Dr. Quartey cooking hot dogs


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Improving the Student Digital Experience

MCCC is excited to announce the brand new Husky Portal, which is an easier way for students to access their MCCC resources. By visiting or clicking Husky Portal at the top of the college home page, you can log in using your MCCC email address and password. From inside the portal, you can get direct access to your courses on Brightspace, register for classes through Self-Service, make a Tutoring or Writing Center appointment, and so much more!

Husky Portal opening screen.

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Tips for Success at MCCC

To ensure success at Monroe County Community College, there are several things you should do:

  1. Check your schedule to ensure that it works for you and that you have the classes you need. If you’re only taking a few classes, you may want to consider adding a class if possible. At the start of each semester, you can add a class or make changes to your schedule up until a class has met for the second time.

  2. Set up your academic plan. Every student should have an academic plan that details which classes they will take each semester. There are two major sources to use when planning your schedule: A) Go to to identify your intended program of study; B) Then sign into MyWebPal and click on “Student Planning."

    - Under “Student Planning” select “My Progress.”
    - Review outstanding degree/program requirements.
    - Click on the course you want to take to fulfill the outstanding requirement.
    - Click “Add Course to Plan,” and select the term you would like to take the course.
    - Select “Back to My Progress” (upper left of page).
    Continue planning outstanding requirements
    (Note, once in MyWebPal, you can also review any financial aid awards and if any paperwork is still outstanding in order to process an award; from the home screen in MyWebPal, simply click on "Financial Aid.")
  3. Achieve your dreams faster. Make sure to take 30 credits each year if you are full-time and 20 credits or more if you attend part-time.
  4. Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor. If you are a new student, you will be assigned an academic advisor by the end of the first month of classes. Having a plan (See step two above!) will help you to have a productive session with your advisor.
  5. Make at least one appointment for tutoring in the Student Success Center. Good students do not wait until they are in trouble. They plan success proactively.
  6. Plan to attend a meeting for a student organization of interest to you.

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Connect on Campus

The number one predictor of success in college is campus engagement. College life is a transformative journey that offers students opportunities to expand their horizons, develop lifelong skills and prepare for the workforce. College can be an overwhelming experience, especially for incoming freshmen or first-generation college students. Building connections with others through clubs and student organizations can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Friendships formed within these groups often lead to lasting relationships that extend beyond the college years. Go to to learn more about the clubs and organizations at MCCC. 

Student Clubs and Organizations Events Calendar (And Other Key Fall Semester Dates)






12:30 p.m.


Student Government Association Welcome Back Meeting


All Day


Sign-up Day for Tutoring


All Day


First Day of Classes:  Make sure to attend your first class.



Center Lawn

Welcome Back Cookout -- Hot Dogs and Games with the President




All MCCC Club Meeting 11-12:30 p.m.: Initial Meeting




SGA General Membership Meeting 12:30-1:30 p.m.




Gender and Sexuality Alliance Club Meeting




Labor Day (College Closed)


3:30 p.m.


Ballroom Dance Club




All MCCC Club Meeting


 11:30 a.m.

La-Z-Boy Center Lawn

SGA Voter Registration Day (All Day)

Student Engagement Cookout-11:30 a.m.




Bed Race to Aid Children




Midpoint of the Semester


10 a.m.

S (Dining Hall)

Red Cross Blood Drive




Learning Carnival: Student Success Open House




Register for Winter Term


12:30 p.m.


All MCCC Club Meeting


7 p.m.

Holladay Theater

Auditions for Sherwood


7 p.m.

Holladay Theater

Auditions for Sherwood




Thanksgiving Break Begins (College Closed)


12:30 p.m.


All MCCC Club Meeting




Last day of Classes


Updates from Student Organizations/Clubs

Student Government

MCCC's Student Government Association ensures that students have their voices heard, supports student clubs and organizations, and collaborates to plan exciting campus activities. This year, the Student Government will represent the college at council and board meetings as part of its shared governance role on campus to express student concerns and share about club activities. Getting involved in Student Government is easy. Attend an upcoming meeting and get involved. On August 20 at 12:30 p.m., SGA will have its Welcome Back meeting in Room S-165, where it will begin planning processes for the upcoming academic year and discuss goals. On August 26 in Room S-165, SGA will have its All MCCC Club Meeting and seeks representation from all campus clubs and organizations to discuss club procedures and prepare a year-long plan for all Campus Life activities. August 27 at 12:30 will be SGA's first orientation meeting for all new members and will feature a personal welcome from President Dr. Kojo Quartey. Alaina Mullins will advance from vice president to president of SGA and looks forward to seeing you all and working together this upcoming year. For more information about getting involved with Student Government, email

Message for all student groups and organizations:  Please turn in your Renewal Request and Seed Money form to SGA as soon as possible. This will ensure that you receive funds in a timely manner and that your club information remains active on the college website.

Gender and Sexuality Alliance 

The Gender and Sexuality Alliance of MCCC has been a long-standing, positive part of the college. Established in 2009, GSA has worked effectively and collaboratively within the policies and procedures of the college, including helping the college to update its Non-Discrimination policy (2011-2012), create an Anti-Bullying policy (2011) and create a Chosen Name policy (2020). GSA, a student-led club open to the campus and the Monroe community, has provided dozens of presentations and workshops to help the campus and community learn about sex, gender and sexual orientation diversity. Meeting times: Every other Thursday, 12:30-1:30 pm in S-165. For more information about the Gender & Sexuality Alliance Club go directly to their web page at or email:

Ballroom Dance

The Ballroom Dance Club was founded in 2010 to form a social dance club with a fun and inviting atmosphere where students of any ability and age can confidently learn and practice various steps and ballroom styles that promote physical fitness, musicality, cultural awareness, manners and proper etiquette. The club is seeking new members and officers for 2024-2025. The recruitment meeting will occur on Wednesday, Sept. 4, from 3:30-5 p.m. in Room H-139. The club typically hosts a monthly themed lesson/party to offer opportunities to practice. The parties also help make dance approachable and fun. Many activities are open to the public. Optional field trips have included to observe professional-level ballroom dance events. For more information, contact the club advisor, Kellie Lajiness, by email at

Drama Club

Auditions for Sherwood, The Adventures of Robin Hood will be held on November 12 and 13 from 7-10 p.m. in the Holladay Theater. 

The Agora 

The Agora is your student newspaper on campus, and it is more than newsprint. The Agora belongs to and serves as a creative outlet for students while serving the information needs of our campus community through photography, illustration, graphic design, videography, broadcasting, cartooning, writing, editing, online publishing, social media and newsletters. The Agora began publishing in February 1968 and has published almost continually for 56 years. When you join the Agora either through journalism workshop courses or freelance, you are joining a team of smart, thoughtful and creative students. We travel together to conferences, enter contests that help boost your portfolios and resumes, and we find time to have fun even though the work can be difficult.

The Agora also has two paid positions each semester. Our editor and assistant editor are both paid hourly wages. And most students take the workshop courses, starting with JOURN 162, to earn transferrable journalism credits. This fall, the editor is Maggie Sandefur and our assistant editor is Mick Valentino. Students interested in getting involved with the Agora should contact the adviser, Matthew Bird-Meyer, at or by calling 734-384-4288.

For more information about related courses in our Journalism/Communications Transfer Pathway, visit:

For more information about related courses in our new Digital Media Marketing & Communication program, visit:


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Education Matters

 “Education Matters,” is hosted by MCCC President Dr. Kojo A. Quartey. The show highlights a wide variety of topics, such as learning opportunities available at MCCC and national and local issues in education that affect the community.

It runs multiple times each week on MPACT, which can be viewed Channels 21 and 916 on Comcast and Channel 197 on Charter Cable.  It is also available on Buckeye Broadband.

Watch Current and Past Episodes

Education Matters Graphic

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Immigrant Grant: Bridging the Gap -- Supporting All Students at MCCC

Monroe County Community College is proud to announce the receipt of a grant from the Michigan Office of Sixty by 30 dedicated to identifying and overcoming barriers to higher education and student success for our immigrant population. At MCCC, we understand that immigrant students face unique challenges, from language barriers and cultural adjustments to navigating a new education system. This grant enables MCCC to proactively address these challenges and foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all students.

Starting in August, we will begin sharing crucial college access information with this population, covering topics such as navigating the application process, understanding financial aid and exploring career options. These efforts are designed to equip these students with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed. We are excited about this initiative's potential to make a lasting impact on our campus community. As we move forward, we will continue to engage with students, staff and the broader community to ensure that MCCC remains a place where everyone can thrive.

Stay tuned for more updates on our progress and the positive changes we are making in our community through this grant.


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Mental Health Services

MCCC offers mental health services on campus in partnership with Monroe Community Mental Health Authority. The services include:

Mental health screening:

  • Referrals
  • Crisis prevention and intervention
  • Advocacy

Linking and coordinating to the following resources:

  • Counseling / Therapy
  • Health services
  • Financial Assistance
  • Housing
  • Social Services
  • Other services and natural supports

Hours: Fall/Winter Semesters
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 5 p.m.

Student Success Center
Disability Services Office 

Founders Hall, F-149
(Enter through the Student Success Center off the Vajcner Academic Commons.)
Phone: (734) 384-4167

  • Students can call the Disability Services Office Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. or Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. to request outreach from Monroe Community Mental Health Authority and receive a referral packet. Students can meet with counselors in-person or virtually.
  • 24-hour services/Crisis. Please call the Monroe Community Mental Health Authority. After-hours, on-call staff is available to respond to crisis. Call the toll-free crisis phone: 1-800-886-7340. TDD/TTY: 1-800-886-7340.

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Disability Services

Students with disabilities may be eligible for classroom and test accommodations to provide access to all college facilities and programs. Accommodations are intended to “level the playing field” as much as possible, so the student with a disability has an equal opportunity to succeed. Access is provided while maintaining high academic standards.

Disability Services coordinators are available to assist students with disabilities in all aspects of their educational planning. Students can meet with a disability services coordinator in the Student Success Center to request accommodations, plan their schedule, obtain career and transfer information and receive collaborative services with outside agencies.



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The Student Success Center: Free Tutoring and Academic Skills Help

Student Success Center

Successful students do not wait until they are in trouble to get help.  They plan ahead. They anticipate. MCCC offers free tutoring and academic skills help for all students in the new Student Success Center located in Founders Hall. Tutoring services are available Monday through Thursday. One-on-one and group tutoring is available in-person and on-line via Zoom. All are welcome and encourage to take advantage of our services. Visit the Student Success Center website to schedule your first appointment today. 


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New Faculty Members Join MCCC

GoodwinBenjamin Goodwin, English instructor. Goodwin comes to MCCC from Michigan State University and has extensive experience teaching and working with writing centers at community colleges and universities. His main goal is to build each student’s confidence as a student, writer and a person. He believes every writer is unique, and he works to help all students use their experiences and strengths to discover their unique voice and successfully express who they truly are. He shares these goals with his wife Elena, the writing program administrator for the University of Detroit Mercy. 

GriswoldSelina Griswold, associate professor of business management. Selina was a tenured business faculty at the University of Toledo from 1989 to 2022 in the areas of accounting, organizational behavior, business management, strategic management, supply chain management, human resources development and management, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. Griswold also created four courses in diversity, equity and inclusion that still are taught today. These courses led to a diversity management certificate. In addition to her teaching experience, Griswold has published textbooks and peer-reviewed articles and has extensive experience in the private sector.

GregoryAmanda Gregory, associate professor of paralegal. Although new to her current position, Amanda is not new to MCCC. She has spent the last year and a half as the college's CRM design manager. Before that, Amanda was an adjunct faculty member at University of Detroit Mercy School of Law from 2014 to 2022, where she taught legal courses including Military Law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Urban Agricultural Law.  Amanda also has significant legal experience from her time with the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of South Carolina, Michigan Community Resources and Lakeshore Legal Aid.  Across her career, she has trained and worked with numerous paralegals and legal assistants. 

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Work Where You Learn

MCCC students are hired for many positions at the college, including for many positions that provide experience applicable to specific fields of study. These jobs are part-time with a maximum of 20 hours per week. It is the commitment of the college that the candidate is a student first and an employee second; therefore, a student’s class schedule is reviewed and work hours are scheduled accordingly. To be eligible, students must be enrolled for at least six credit hours during the Fall and Winter semesters of employment. To review and apply for student assistant positions, a candidate must register with the Office of Workforce Development at; fill out the Student Assistant Application and e-mail it to or drop it off at the Office of Workforce Development in the La-Z-Boy Center.  A few positions that are now open include:

Currently, there are eight student assistant positions available. They are in the following areas:

  • Welding Lab
  • Writing Center
  • Registrar’s Office
  • Custodial
  • Grounds
  • Bookstore Cashier
  • Admissions and Guidance Services
  • Student Success

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Withdrawal Procedure

If you need to drop a class once it has begun, do not just stop going to class.

At the start of each semester, you can make changes to your schedule via Self Service (formerly WebPal) up until a class has met for the second time. If you decide you no longer want to attend a particular class, you can drop it via Self Service through August 27. After that, you must officially withdraw. To do so, fill out an “Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form” available online or in the Registrar’s Office. In addition to the form, you must provide proof that you communicated with your instructor prior to withdrawing (instructor’s signature on the form or via email). By officially withdrawing from a class, you will receive a ‘"W" grade, which does not affect your GPA. If you are receiving any type of financial aid, please check with the Financial Aid Office before making the withdrawal official. Failure to drop or withdraw from a course you do not wish to complete has both educational and financial consequences. Forms and further information can be found at

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Submit to MCCC Happenings

The "MCCC Happenings" newsletter was created in response to student requests to minimize the number of emails sent to students. The intent of the newsletter is to provide students a simple place to learn about important information they need and events on campus. Ensure articles are written in third person as much as possible and are edited. Send articles to in Microsoft Word by the appropriate deadlines below.

The Office of the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success has sole discretion regarding editing and what is published in MCCC Happenings.

The Office of Marketing Communications designs the online newsletter and copy edits submissions for accuracy and clarity.

Upcoming deadlines are as follows:

All articles and items submitted for the September 30, 2024 edition (Student Success) of Happenings are due by end of day on September 13, 2024.

All articles and items submitted for the November 4, 2024 edition (Retention) of Happenings are due by end of day on October 18, 2024.